EIA 2024 Women's Committee Panel Presentation
Women's Committee Panel Presentation*
Panelists - Peggy Forney, EPA - Retired, Danaya Wilson, CHC Training, Kristy Thornton, MS, COH, FACS, Lori A. Cathcart, Terracon
Moderated by Sarah Jamieson, EMSL & Courtney Enderle, Women's Committee Co-Chairs
Join us for this outstanding presentation on the state of women in the EHS industry! The Environmental Information Association has conducted our fourth annual study on women's positions in our male-dominated industry. Ms. Jamieson and Ms. Enderle will briefly present the findings and the experience and knowledge of the experts on our committee. In addition, they will lead a panel of EIA's industry-leading individuals in leadership roles and explore the different successes and challenges in our multidisciplinary industry.